
In the State of Florida, the supportive relationship statute allows the payor of alimony to have their alimony obligation reduced or terminated if their ex-spouse is in a supportive relationship.

The court shall consider and make written findings of fact regarding all relevant facts and additional factors.

Factor i. to be considered is:

“The extent to which the obligee and the other person have an express or implied agreement regarding property sharing or financial support.”

For example, a couple may be living together and have a verbal agreement in which one party contributes to the household expenses while the other covers the mortgage payments.

It may also be that they have discussed and agreed upon saving jointly for future investments such as a vacation or a new car.

In this scenario, their verbal agreements and shared financial responsibilities demonstrate an implied agreement regarding property sharing and financial support, even though they are not legally bound by marriage.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we will put our knowledge and 33 years of experience to work for you, whether you are seeking alimony or defending a claim against alimony.

To schedule an alimony consultation with Board Certified Expert in Marital and Family Law in Tampa, Gary S. Dolgin, please call (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

Learn more about alimony by visiting:
Tampa Spousal Support Lawyer, Gary S. Dolgin

If there has been a history of domestic violence, the court may not refer the parties to parenting coordination unless both parents consent.

The court shall offer each party an opportunity to consult with an attorney or domestic violence advocate before accepting the party’s consent.

The court must determine whether each party’s consent has been given freely and voluntarily.

In cases involving a history of domestic violence, it’s crucial for the court to prioritize safety and well-being.

Therefore, the court ensures that both parties have the opportunity to seek guidance from an attorney or domestic violence advocate before proceeding with parenting coordination.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we have been helping mothers and fathers with child custody issues for over 33 years in the Tampa area.

We have also been committed to protecting children’s best interests while helping to advocate for their parent’s rights.

To schedule a child custody consultation with Gary Dolgin, give us a call at (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

Learn more about child custody by visiting:
Domestic Violence Attorney Tampa, Gary Dolgin

The Vital Role of Parent Coordinators in Divorce: Navigating Co-Parenting Challenges with Expert Guidance

Divorce is a complex and emotionally challenging process, especially when children are involved.

Co-parenting after divorce requires effective communication, cooperation, and a focus on the children’s well-being. However, navigating all this can be overwhelming for many families, especially if the parties are not on good terms.

This is where parent coordinators step in to assist with child custody matters. Serving as neutral third-party professionals, parent coordinators play an important role in helping divorced or separated parents navigate co-parenting challenges more effectively.

Let’s discuss the role of parent coordinators, explore their key responsibilities and the impact they have on promoting healthy co-parenting relationships.

The Role of Parent Coordinators:

Parent coordinators are trained professionals with expertise in family dynamics, conflict resolution, and child development.

Their primary role is to facilitate communication, reduce conflicts, and promote healthy decision-making regarding the children’s well-being.

The following are some key responsibilities of parent coordinators:

Facilitating The Resolution of Disagreements

One of the central roles of parent coordinators is to facilitate the resolution of disagreements between divorced or separated parents. They help parents reach agreements on various parenting and child custody matters by facilitating discussions and finding common ground.

Some court orders authorize the parenting coordinator to decide a dispute on a temporary basis until the parties can obtain a court hearing where the judge can resolve the dispute.

Whether it’s deciding on parenting schedules, educational decisions, or extracurricular activities, parent coordinators provide a safe and effective environment for these types of discussions.

Implementing Parenting Plans

Parent coordinators ensure that the parenting plan established during the divorce process is followed and enforced. This involves overseeing the implementation of custody arrangements, visitation schedules, and other provisions outlined in the parenting plan. By ensuring compliance with court orders, parent coordinators help maintain consistency and stability for the children.

Providing Education and Guidance

Effective co-parenting requires a set of skills that not all parents possess. Parent coordinators offer guidance on effective communication strategies, conflict resolution techniques, and parenting skills to improve the co-parenting relationship. Through education and coaching, they empower parents to better handle the challenges and make informed decisions in the best interests of their children.

Making Recommendations

In situations where parents cannot agree, the parent coordinator may make recommendations to resolve disputes. These recommendations are based on their expertise and understanding of the family’s dynamics. Although they are not legally binding, these recommendations can serve as a helpful guide for parents who are trying to resolve conflicts amicably. In some cases, recommendations may be incorporated into the parenting plan or presented to the court for approval.

Monitoring Compliance

Parent coordinators play a crucial role in monitoring compliance with court orders and the parenting plan. They keep track of parenting time, communication between parents, and any deviations from the agreed-upon arrangements. If there are violations or breaches, parent coordinators intervene promptly to address the issue and prevent further escalation.

Impact of Parent Coordinators on Co-Parenting Relationships

Overall, the goal of parent coordinators is to minimize conflict, prioritize the children’s best interests, and promote a cooperative co-parenting relationship between divorced or separated parents.

By facilitating communication and providing support, parent coordinators help families navigate the challenges of divorce more smoothly.

Studies have shown that families who work with parent coordinators experience lower levels of conflict and higher levels of satisfaction with their co-parenting arrangements.

In addition, children benefit from the stability and consistency that parent coordinators help establish, leading to better outcomes in terms of emotional well-being and adjustment to the new family dynamic.

By fostering a cooperative co-parenting relationship, parent coordinators contribute to the long-term success and happiness of families transitioning through divorce.

If you’re facing a divorce with difficult child custody issues, it is important to seek the guidance of the best Tampa child custody lawyers who can help be an advocate for the best interests of your children.

In Florida, marital assets and liabilities are divided equitably upon divorce, ensuring fairness for both parties involved.

The court will allocate each spouse’s nonmarital assets and liabilities accordingly.

When distributing marital assets and liabilities between the parties, the court starts with the presumption of an equal distribution. However, there may be valid reasons for an unequal distribution based on various factors.

Factor (a) to be considered is:

The contribution to the marriage by each spouse, including contributions to the care and education of the children and services as homemaker.

For example, one spouse may contribute significantly to the marriage financially by earning the primary income or making substantial investments that benefit the family.

On the other hand, one spouse may sacrifice career opportunities or advancement to support the other spouse’s career goals or to prioritize family responsibilities, such as relocating for a spouse’s job or taking on part-time work to accommodate childcare needs.

If you are considering divorce and have questions about equitable distribution, we can help you here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin.

With over 33 years in practice, Board Certified Expert in Marital and Family Law, Gary Dolgin is an experienced and knowledgeable divorce attorney in Tampa who can represent your best interests.

To schedule a consultation with Gary S. Dolgin, Attorney At Law, call (813) 999-2772 and it will be our pleasure to help you.

To see what past clients have to say about retaining Gary Dolgin to represent them during their divorce, and to learn more about divorce, visit:
Best Divorce Lawyer Tampa – Gary S. Dolgin

In the State of Florida, the supportive relationship statute allows the payor of alimony to have their alimony obligation reduced or terminated if their ex-spouse is in a supportive relationship.

The court shall consider and make written findings of fact regarding all relevant facts and additional factors.

Factor h. to be considered is:

“The extent to which the obligee and the other person have jointly contributed to the purchase of any real or personal property.”

For example, have the two parties purchased a new home together such as their primary residence or a vacation home?

“Real property” refers to land and any permanent structures on it and generally includes land, houses and unextracted natural resources.

“Personal property” refers to anything else you can own.

Situations where the obligee and the other person have contributed jointly to the purchase of real or personal property could be considered in an alimony modification case.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we will put our knowledge and 33 years of experience to work for you, whether you are seeking alimony or defending a claim against alimony.

Being Board Certified in Marital and Family Law as well as being a Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator sets Gary Dolgin apart. He will put his expertise to work for you and advocate for the best possible result in your alimony case.

To schedule an alimony consultation with Board Certified Expert in Marital and Family Law in Tampa, Gary S. Dolgin, please call (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you..

Learn more about alimony by visiting:
Tampa Spousal Support Lawyer, Gary S. Dolgin

A parent coordinator in divorce serves as a neutral third-party professional who helps separated or divorced parents navigate co-parenting challenges more effectively.

They are appointed by the court or agreed to by the parties. Their main role is to assist the parties in successfully creating or implementing a parenting plan.

They also assist in facilitating communication, reducing conflicts, and promoting healthy decision-making regarding the children’s well-being.

Parent coordinators more specifically assist in resolving disputes related to parenting schedules, educational decisions, extracurricular activities, and other co-parenting issues.

Key responsibilities of a parent coordinator may include:

– Mediating disagreements

– Implementing parenting plans

– Providing education and guidance

– Making recommendations

– Monitoring compliance

Overall, the goal of a parent coordinator is to minimize conflict, prioritize the children’s best interests, and promote a cooperative co-parenting relationship between divorced or separated parents. By facilitating communication and providing support, parent coordinators help families navigate the challenges of divorce more smoothly and promote the well-being of the children involved.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we have been helping mothers and fathers with child custody issues for over 33 years in the Tampa area.

We have also been committed to protecting children’s best interests while helping to advocate for their parent’s rights.

To schedule a child custody consultation with Gary Dolgin, give us a call at (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

Learn more about child custody by visiting:
Custody Attorney Tampa, Gary Dolgin

In the State of Florida, the supportive relationship statute allows the payor of alimony to have their alimony obligation reduced or terminated if their ex-spouse is in a supportive relationship.

The court shall consider and make written findings of fact regarding all relevant facts and additional factors.

Factor g. to be considered is:

“Whether the obligee and the other person have worked together to create or enhance anything of value.”

For example, have they worked together to acquire assets such as a house, car, or savings?

Situations where the obligee and the other person have contributed jointly to growing something together that is considered an asset could be considered in an alimony modification case.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we will put our knowledge and 33 years of experience to work for you, whether you are seeking alimony or defending a claim against alimony.

Being Board Certified in Marital and Family Law as well as being a Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator sets Gary Dolgin apart. He will put his expertise to work for you and advocate for the best possible result in your alimony case.

To schedule an alimony consultation with Board Certified Expert in Marital and Family Law in Tampa, Gary S. Dolgin, please call (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

Learn more about alimony by visiting:
Tampa Alimony Lawyer, Gary S. Dolgin

Unveiling the Truth: How High-Earning Spouses Hide Assets During Divorce and How a Tampa Divorce Attorney Can Help

Divorce can be emotional and challenging, especially when large assets are involved.

In high-asset divorces, one of the most contentious issues is the division of property.

Unfortunately, some high-earning spouses may attempt to hide assets to gain an unfair advantage during divorce proceedings.

This deceptive practice not only undermines the integrity of the legal process but also deprives the other spouse of their rightful share.

In this article, we’ll explore the tricky methods used by high-earning spouses to hide assets and we will discuss how a skilled Tampa divorce lawyer can uncover these hidden assets to ensure a fair division of property.

Understanding Asset Hiding:

Asset hiding occurs when one spouse conceals or undervalues assets to prevent them from being included in the marital estate during divorce proceedings. This way, the spouse who is unaware of the hidden assets does not get their fair share when dividing assets during divorce.

High-earning individuals may resort to various tactics to hide assets, including:

1. Undervaluing Business Interests: High-earning spouses often own businesses or have substantial investments in companies. They may manipulate financial records or undervalue business interests to minimize the apparent value of marital assets.

2. Transferring Assets: Another common tactic is transferring assets to family members, friends, or offshore accounts to keep them out of reach during divorce proceedings. These transfers may appear legitimate on the surface but are often intended to hide assets from the other spouse.

3. Overstating Debts: Some spouses may inflate their debts or expenses to reduce the perceived value of their assets. By exaggerating financial liabilities, they seek to diminish the assets available for distribution in the divorce settlement.

4. Cryptocurrency and Digital Assets: With the rise of cryptocurrency and digital assets, some high-earning individuals may attempt to conceal wealth by investing in these assets, which can be challenging to trace without specialized knowledge and expertise.

The Role of a Divorce Attorney:

Navigating a high-asset divorce requires a skilled and experienced attorney who understands the intricacies of asset division and has the resources to uncover hidden assets. Here’s how a divorce attorney can help:

1. Comprehensive Financial Analysis: A proficient divorce attorney will conduct a thorough review of financial documents, including tax returns, bank statements, investment portfolios, and business records. By scrutinizing these documents, they can identify discrepancies and inconsistencies that may indicate asset hiding.

2. Forensic Accounting Services: In complex divorce cases involving high assets, forensic accountants play a crucial role in uncovering hidden assets. These financial experts specialize in tracing money trails, analyzing financial transactions, and identifying undisclosed assets. Working closely with forensic accountants, divorce attorneys can build a strong case to expose asset concealment.

3. Valuation Expertise: Determining the true value of marital assets is essential for achieving a fair division of property. The best divorce attorneys collaborate with valuation experts to assess the worth of businesses, real estate holdings, investments, and other assets accurately. By obtaining precise valuations, they ensure that no assets are overlooked or undervalued during the asset division process.

4. Legal Strategies: Armed with evidence of asset hiding, divorce attorneys can use strategic legal tactics to compel the disclosure of hidden assets and hold the deceptive spouse accountable. This may involve filing motions for discovery, deposing financial experts, and presenting compelling arguments in court to safeguard their client’s financial interests.

5. Negotiation and Settlement: While litigation is sometimes necessary to resolve disputes over hidden assets, many high-asset divorces are settled through negotiation or mediation. A skilled divorce attorney negotiates on behalf of their client to secure a favorable settlement that reflects the true value of marital assets. By leveraging their knowledge of the law and expertise in asset division, they strive to achieve an equitable outcome for their client.

In summary, high-earning spouses may attempt to conceal assets during divorce proceedings to gain an unfair advantage over their partner. However, with the assistance of a knowledgeable and resourceful divorce attorney, hidden assets can be uncovered, and equitable distribution of property can be achieved.

By conducting comprehensive financial analysis, using forensic accounting services, and employing strategic legal tactics, divorce attorneys ensure that their clients receive their rightful share of marital assets.

If you’re facing a high-asset divorce, don’t hesitate to seek the guidance of the best divorce attorney in Tampa who can protect your financial interests and advocate for a fair resolution.

In the State of Florida, the supportive relationship statute allows the payor of alimony to have their alimony obligation reduced or terminated if their ex-spouse is in a supportive relationship.

The court shall consider and make written findings of fact regarding all relevant facts and additional factors.

Factor f. to be considered is:

“The extent to which the obligee or the other person has performed valuable services for the other’s company or employer.”

For example, if the other person provides services for the obligee’s company such as being a consultant, participating in sales and networking, and helping to manage the company’s books, these may be considered valuable services.

These services provide value and a substantial form of support to the obligee and therefore would be considered in an alimony modification case.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we will put our knowledge and 33 years of experience to work for you, whether you are seeking alimony or defending a claim against alimony.

Being Board Certified in Marital and Family Law as well as being a Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator sets Gary Dolgin apart. He will put his expertise to work for you and advocate for the best possible result in your alimony case.

To schedule an alimony consultation with Board Certified Expert in Marital and Family Law in Tampa, Gary S. Dolgin, please call (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

Learn more about alimony by visiting:
Best Alimony Lawyer Tampa, Gary S. Dolgin

In this article, Maggie S. shares her story about vowing to always stay in control of her finances after going through divorce.

During her marriage she relied on her husband to control the finances and was content having a joint bank account with him.

Once she realized that her marriage was ending, she became gripped with fear regarding her finances simply because she just didn’t know enough about her financial situation.

Years after her divorce, she finds comfort in being autonomous, and takes pride in staying fully aware of her finances.

To read the full article, visit: “Never Rely on a Man’s Money”

Traditionally, women have relied on their husbands to handle all the finances. However, more and more women are realizing that it is important to have knowledge and control over their own finances, especially in the event of divorce.

If you find yourself facing divorce, we can help answer any questions you may have.

Gary S. Dolgin is Board Certified in Marital Family and has over 33 years of experience practicing law in Tampa.

If you are looking for an experienced and knowledgeable divorce attorney in Tampa to represent your best interests, you can count on Gary Dolgin to help you.

To schedule a consultation with Gary S. Dolgin, Attorney At Law, call (813) 999-2772 and it will be our pleasure to help you.

To see what past clients have to say about retaining Gary Dolgin to represent them during their divorce, and to learn more about divorce, visit:
Best Divorce Lawyer Tampa – Gary S. Dolgin