
Best Family Law Attorney in Tampa Gary Dolgin Helped Brian Protect His Daughters By Getting Him Sole Parental Responsibility

One of Gary Dolgin’s former clients, Brian, is grateful to Gary for helping him with his child custody case a few years ago.

Brian’s children were being put in harmful situations and put in danger when they would visit their mother. So Brian retained Gary Dolgin to help him get sole parental responsibility of his two daughters in order to keep them safe.

Brian is thankful to Gary for helping him ensure the safety of his daughters and allowing them to grow up in a safe, healthy and nurturing environment, where they have thrived.

Brian is grateful for Gary’s guidance and help during his very difficult situation and highly recommends Gary as a family law attorney.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin we truly care about our clients and go the extra mile to consider all possible scenarios so we can provide our clients with the best possible representation.

If you need help with any Family Law issue such as divorce, child support, child custody, spousal support, adoption, visitation, or equitable distribution give us a call today at (813) 999-2772 to schedule a consultation with Gary Dolgin, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

To learn more about Gary Dolgin and how he can help with your family law issues and divorce issues, visit:
Best Family Law Attorney, Gary S. Dolgin