“Relocation” is defined as a change in the principal residence of a parent or other person of at least 50 miles and for at least 60 consecutive days not including temporary absences for vacation, education, or health care.
Relocation is an important issue because it can significantly affect the continued reasonable access to the child by the other parent.
Relocation must be considered very carefully with regards to the best interests of the child.
Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we have been helping mothers and fathers with child custody for over 30 years in the Tampa area.
We have also been committed to protecting children’s best interests while helping to advocate for their parent’s rights.
If you are having any child custody issues such as determining parental responsibility, time-sharing problems, or any other custody issue that may be causing an unhealthy situation for your child, or negatively affecting your parental rights, we are here to help you.
To schedule a child custody consultation with Gary Dolgin, give us a call at (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.
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Custody Lawyer Tampa FL, Gary Dolgin