
Family Lawyer in Tampa Gary Dolgin Explains New Family Laws in Florida and How Retirement Affects Alimony

Significant changes to alimony laws have gone into effect in Florida, effective July 1, 2023.

One of the new laws regarding how retirement affects alimony is as follows:

The court may reduce or terminate an award of support, maintenance, or alimony upon specific, written findings of fact that the obligor has reached normal retirement age as defined by the Social Security Administration or the customary retirement age for his or her profession and that the obligor has taken demonstrative and measurable efforts or actions to retire or has actually retired. The burden is on the obligor to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that his or her retirement reduces his or her ability to pay support, maintenance, or alimony. If the court determines that the obligor’s retirement has reduced or will reduce the obligor’s ability to pay, the burden shifts to the obligee to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the obligor’s support, maintenance, or alimony obligation should not be terminated or reduced.

If you have any questions about the new laws which have taken effect July 1, 2023, we are happy to help you.

With over 32 years of experience in all aspects of divorce and family law, being a Board Certified Expert in Marital and Family Law by the Florida Bar, and being a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator, Gary Dolgin has the expertise you need when facing divorce or any type of family law issue.

To schedule a consultation with Gary S. Dolgin, Attorney At Law, call (813) 999-2772 and it will be our pleasure to help you.

To learn more about Gary Dolgin and how he can help with your family law issues and divorce issues, such as alimony, child custody, child support and division of marital assets, visit:
Family Lawyer in Tampa, Gary S. Dolgin