
Tampa Alimony Lawyer Gary Dolgin Can Help With Your Modification of Alimony

If you have experienced a substantial change in circumstances since your alimony agreement, we can help you petition the Court for a modification of alimony accordingly.

It is well-established law that modifications of alimony generally require:

– a substantial change of circumstances
– a change that was not contemplated at the time of the final judgment
– a change that is sufficient, material, involuntary, and permanent in nature.

Whether you are the spouse requesting the modification of alimony, or the spouse being asked to modify alimony, here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we will put our knowledge and 30 years of experience to work to help protect your alimony rights.

We have represented thousands of women and men in the Tampa Bay area with their alimony issues, and it would be our pleasure to help you through your alimony issues as well.

Being Board Certified in Marital and Family Law as well as being a Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator sets Gary Dolgin apart when it comes to determining what type(s) of alimony might be granted in your situation and advocating on your behalf to secure the best result possible.

You can count on Gary Dolgin to help you with your alimony issues aggressively, while taking care of your best interests with integrity and compassion.

To schedule an alimony consultation with Board Certified Expert in Marital and Family Law in Tampa, Gary S. Dolgin, please call (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

Learn more about alimony by visiting:
Tampa Alimony Lawyer, Gary S. Dolgin