Category Archives: Child Custody Series

CHILD CUSTODY SERIES: 20 Factors A Judge Must Consider When Determining Issues of Parental Responsibility and Time-Sharing

The eleventh factor to consider is:
(k) “The demonstrated capacity and disposition of each parent to provide a consistent routine for the child, such as discipline, and daily schedules for homework, meals, and bedtime.”

This factor takes into consideration whether the parents are able to provide consistency and discipline for the child in their daily life.

For example, if one parent’s work requires frequent travel and an inconsistent schedule, a Judge may consider this less favorably when it comes to time-sharing and parental responsibility.

Whereas, a parent whose work schedule is more regular can more easily provide their child with consistency and a regular daily routine.

Providing a child with a regular daily routine that is generally consistent from day to day is in the best interest of the child, and is therefore favored by the court.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we have been helping mothers and fathers with child custody for over 30 years in the Tampa area.

If you are having any child custody issues such as time-sharing problems, parental responsibility or any other custody issue that may be causing an unhealthy situation for your child, or negatively affecting your parental rights, we are here to help you.

To schedule a child custody consultation with Gary Dolgin, give us a call at (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

Learn more about child custody and how Gary Dolgin can help you by visiting:
Child Custody Lawyer in Tampa FL, Gary Dolgin

CHILD CUSTODY SERIES: 20 Factors A Judge Must Consider When Determining Issues of Parental Responsibility and Time-Sharing

The tenth factor to consider is:
(j) “The demonstrated knowledge, capacity, and disposition of each parent to be informed of the circumstances of the minor child, including, but not limited to, the child’s friends, teachers, medical care providers, daily activities, and favorite things.”

This factor takes into consideration how familiar and how involved the parents are in the child’s life with regards to the child’s education, health, friends, recreational activities and daily routine.

For example, if one parent is more familiar and involved in the child’s life in general, the Judge may look more favorably towards that parent when it comes to time-sharing and parental responsibility.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we have been helping mothers and fathers with child custody for over 30 years in the Tampa area.

If you are having any child custody issues such as time-sharing problems, parental responsibility or any other custody issue that may be causing an unhealthy situation for your child, or negatively affecting your parental rights, we are here to help you.

To schedule a child custody consultation with Gary Dolgin, give us a call at (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

Learn more about child custody and how Gary Dolgin can help you by visiting:
Tampa Child Custody Attorney Gary Dolgin

CHILD CUSTODY SERIES: 20 Factors A Judge Must Consider When Determining Issues of Parental Responsibility and Time-Sharing

The ninth factor to consider is:
(i) “The reasonable preference of the child, if the court deems the child to be of sufficient intelligence, understanding, and experience to express a preference.”

This factor takes into consideration the preference of the child when it comes to time-sharing and parental responsibility.

A mature child’s wishes may be considered by the courts, however it is one of many other factors that the court must consider.

For example, if a teenage boy of high school age consistently expresses a reasonably founded desire to live with his father, and this situation is favorable for the overall well-being of the child, a Judge may give the child’s preference consideration.

The Judge will consider the child’s preference along with many other factors that will ultimately put the child’s overall well-being as the top priority.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we have been helping mothers and fathers with child custody for over 30 years in the Tampa area.

If you are having any child custody issues such as time-sharing problems, parental responsibility or any other custody issue that may be causing an unhealthy situation for your child, or negatively affecting your parental rights, we are here to help you.

To schedule a child custody consultation with Gary Dolgin, give us a call at (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

Learn more about child custody and how Gary Dolgin can help you by visiting:
Tampa Custody Lawyer

CHILD CUSTODY SERIES: 20 Factors A Judge Must Consider When Determining Issues of Parental Responsibility and Time-Sharing

The eighth factor to consider is:
(h) “The home, school, and community record of the child.”

This factor takes into consideration how the child is currently performing in school, at home, and within their community and whether changing their environment will be beneficial or detrimental to the child’s performance and well-being.

For example, if a child is performing very well in their current environment and a parent is requesting to uproot their child and move them to a new, less desirable environment when the parents separate, a Judge would most likely look at this as detrimental to the child when considering time-sharing and parental responsibility.

Time-sharing and parental responsibility decisions must be made with consideration of keeping the child in the best possible environment so the child has the best chance of thriving and performing well.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we have been helping mothers and fathers with child custody for over 30 years in the Tampa area.

If you are having any child custody issues such as time-sharing problems, parental responsibility or any other custody issue that may be causing an unhealthy situation for your child, or negatively affecting your parental rights, we are here to help you.

To schedule a child custody consultation with Gary Dolgin, give us a call at (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

Learn more about child custody by visiting:
Child Custody Lawyer Tampa FL

CHILD CUSTODY SERIES: 20 Factors A Judge Must Consider When Determining Issues of Parental Responsibility and Time-Sharing

The seventh factor to consider is:
(g) “The mental and physical health of the parents.”

This factor takes into consideration the mental and physical health of the parents and whether it is negatively affecting the well-being of the child or will in the future.

For example, if a parent is suffering from a mental illness or a physical health issue that impairs their ability to properly care for the child, a Judge would consider this when determining time-sharing and parental responsibility.

When deciding on time-sharing and parental responsibility, a Judge would have to keep the best interests of the child in mind and consider how the parents’ mental and physical health might pose a problem in properly caring for the child.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we have been helping mothers and fathers with child custody for over 30 years in the Tampa area.

If you are having any child custody issues such as time-sharing problems, parental responsibility or any other custody issue that may be causing an unhealthy situation for your child, or negatively affecting your parental rights, we are here to help you.

To schedule a child custody consultation with Gary Dolgin, give us a call at (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

Learn more about child custody by visiting:
Child Custody Attorney Tampa FL

CHILD CUSTODY SERIES: 20 Factors A Judge Must Consider When Determining Issues of Parental Responsibility and Time-Sharing

The sixth factor to consider is:
(f) “The moral fitness of the parents.”

This factor takes into consideration the morals and ethics demonstrated by the parents that will have a direct impact on the child’s well-being.

For example, if a parent demonstrates good moral character by being truthful, trustworthy, reliable and relays these good moral skills to their child then a Judge will consider that favorably towards time-sharing and parental responsibility.

However, if, for example, a parent has demonstrated poor moral character by being involved with others who engage in unlawful behaviors where such relationships may be harmful to the child, or if a parent teaches the child that lying and being deceitful is acceptable, a Judge will consider that unfavorably when determining the issues of time-sharing and parental responsibility.

When deciding on time-sharing and parental responsibility, a Judge would have to keep the best interests of the child in mind and consider how the moral behaviors of each parent may affect the child.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we have been helping mothers and fathers with child custody for over 30 years in the Tampa area.

If you are having any child custody issues such as time-sharing problems, parental responsibility or any other custody issue that may be causing an unhealthy situation for your child, or negatively affecting your parental rights, we are here to help you.

To schedule a child custody consultation with Gary Dolgin, give us a call at (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

Learn more about child custody by visiting:
Child Custody Attorney in Tampa

CHILD CUSTODY SERIES: 20 Factors A Judge Must Consider When Determining Issues of Parental Responsibility and Time-Sharing

The fifth factor to consider is:
(e) “The geographic viability of the parenting plan, with special attention paid to the needs of school-age children and the amount of time to be spent traveling to effectuate the parenting plan. This factor does not create a presumption for or against relocation of either parent with a child.”

This factor takes into consideration how far away the parents live from the child’s school and extracurricular activities and how much traveling the child would have to do to fulfill the time-sharing schedule.

For example, if one parent lives 50 miles away from the child’s school, it would not make sense for that parent to have time-sharing throughout the school week, forcing the child to spend an unreasonable amount of time traveling everyday to get to and from school.

When deciding on time-sharing and parental responsibility, a Judge would have to keep the best interests of the child in mind and consider the amount of traveling a child would have to do.

However, if the parents live close to each other, this factor would not be as critical.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we have been helping mothers and fathers with child custody for over 30 years in the Tampa area.

If you are having any child custody issues such as time-sharing problems, parental responsibility or any other custody issue that may be causing an unhealthy situation for your child, or negatively affecting your parental rights, we are here to help you.

To schedule a child custody consultation with Gary Dolgin, give us a call at (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

Learn more about child custody by visiting:
Child Custody Attorney Tampa FL

CHILD CUSTODY SERIES: 20 Factors A Judge Must Consider When Determining Issues of Parental Responsibility and Time-Sharing

The fourth factor to consider is:
(d) “The length of time the child has lived in a stable, satisfactory environment and the desirability of maintaining continuity.”

This factor takes into consideration how much disruption to their everyday life the child is experiencing during the divorce as well as how much disruption the child may experience after the divorce is finalized.

When a Judge is determining parental responsibility and time-sharing during a divorce or modification, the best interest of the child is the top consideration. Keeping a child’s everyday life stable, minimizing disruption to their home life and school life is a priority.

For example, during a divorce it is generally preferred to keep the child in the same home and school that they have been in for the past several years.

Also, after the divorce is final, the parent that provides the most stable environment and schedule is typically awarded majority time-sharing. So, for example, if one parent is constantly traveling while the other does not, this would be a factor to consider.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we have been helping mothers and fathers with child custody for over 30 years in the Tampa area.

If you are having any child custody issues such as time-sharing problems, parental responsibility or any other custody issue that may be causing an unhealthy situation for your child, or negatively affecting your parental rights, we are here to help you.

To schedule a child custody consultation with Gary Dolgin, give us a call at (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

Learn more about child custody by visiting:
Tampa Child Custody Attorney

CHILD CUSTODY SERIES: 20 Factors A Judge Must Consider When Determining Issues of Parental Responsibility and Time-Sharing

The third factor to consider is:
(c) “The demonstrated capacity and disposition of each parent to determine, consider, and act upon the needs of the child as opposed to the needs or desires of the parent.”

This factor takes into consideration whether either of the parents continually acts selfishly, putting their own interests above the interests of their child.

For example, if a parent has a habit of spending lavishly on themselves but spending little on the needs of the child (food, clothing, education), a Judge would consider that when determining parental responsibility and time-sharing.

Another example would be where the child has a great opportunity to travel or attend a special event with one parent, but the other parent refuses to be flexible with their time-sharing schedule and allow the child to go.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we have been helping mothers and fathers with child custody for over 30 years in the Tampa area.

If you are having any child custody issues such as time-sharing problems, parental responsibility or any other custody issue that may be causing an unhealthy situation for your child, or negatively affecting your parental rights, we are here to help you.

To schedule a child custody consultation with Gary Dolgin, give us a call at (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

Learn more about child custody by visiting:
Tampa Child Custody Lawyer

CHILD CUSTODY SERIES: 20 Factors A Judge Must Consider When Determining Issues of Parental Responsibility and Time-Sharing

The second factor to consider is:
(b) “The anticipated division of parental responsibilities after the litigation, including the extent to which parental responsibilities will be delegated to third parties.”

This factor takes into consideration the details of who will be caring for the child after the separation.

For example, who will provide one-on-one care for the child’s needs, such as taking the child to school, feeding the child, helping the child with homework, etc.

Also, will a nanny be involved during the time-sharing of one or both parents?

The Judge will consider whether one parent shoulders most of the responsibilities.

Here at The Law Offices of Gary S. Dolgin, we have been helping mothers and fathers with child custody for over 30 years in the Tampa area.

If you are having any child custody issues such as time-sharing problems, parental responsibility or any other custody issue that may be causing an unhealthy situation for your child, or negatively affecting your parental rights, we are here to help you.

To schedule a child custody consultation with Gary Dolgin, give us a call at (813) 999-2772, and it will be our pleasure to help you.

Learn more about child custody by visiting:
Child Custody Specialist in Tampa, Florida